Massicciata su binario Märklin K

Questo video che mostra come ho costruito la massicciata realistica su binario Märklin tipo K sul mio Plastico Ferroviario Buzzaceto.

La stessa tecnica si può utilizzare su qualsiasi binario di altre marche senza massicciata incorporata. Ho usato una combinazione di ballast della Koemo, l’aerografo per verniciare e un cocktail di colla vinilica per l’incollaggio.

Buona visione!

8 commenti
  1. Angelo Facchi
    Angelo Facchi dice:

    Ciao abito vicino a Zurigo Svizzera ???????? vorrei fare un diarema o già pali di cadeneria FS e semafori spero che mi potete aiutare dove posso trovare altri parti tipo portali gallerie binari ecc. ecc.
    Vi ringrazio e spero che mi potete aiutare

  2. Robert E Hall
    Robert E Hall dice:

    what is the name of the container you use to sift the ballast onto track. I live in the US so we may not have the same container.

    • Guido
      Guido dice:

      Hello Robert, I found the container at home, nothing to do with modeling, I think it was used to pour water into the iron, but I found it useful for this purpose.

  3. Pierre
    Pierre dice:

    Hello Guido, what a beautiful work of patience you have realized!
    If it’s possible, could you give more details about the paint you used. You said in the video a rust color, but what kind of brand did you choose? Could I have a reference, please?
    You also said in the video you used a black paint to darken the ties. You probably must have diluted quite a lot the dark paint. What was the ratio?
    Did you have any problem cleaning the pukos (3rd rail)? I personally paint my tracks by hand and I have always had some problem with electrical conductivity.
    I saw also you didn’t use any Isopropyl alcohol to wet the ballast before gluing it. Did you have any problem by doing so?
    Sorry, it’s a lot of questions, but I was really interested by your ballasting method.
    Stay safe. Greetings from Northern California.

    • Guido
      Guido dice:

      Hello Pierre, first of all thank you!
      About the colors, I use the Vallejo Model Air, ready to use with airbrush, in rust and black color, or if you prefer they can be diluited more with its thinner.
      As for the ties I did not diluited more the black color, I simply adjusted the air pressure of the airbrush.
      To clean the third rail you can use various methods: a rag wet with silicone thinner (as I did), a rubber or very fine sandpaper.
      I didn’t need to wet the ballast before gluing it using the mixture shown in the video.
      Best regards and stay safe you too!

  4. Stanley
    Stanley dice:

    Ciao Guido,
    Che bel plastico ce l’hai! Posso chiederti che misura di massiciata hai usato da Koemo, il calibro N o la massiciata di misura H0?
    Grazie Stanley


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